Monday's workout was easy to get done. Mondays are a little busy... Work, family night with my grandparents and then my 9 year old has soccer practice. Luckily soccer practice is 2 hours long so I jogged 1 and half miles at a 10 min. mile pace while my husband walked with the baby.
The jog was half a mile longer than my previous workout and two minutes faster! It was tough, there was hard wind and my legs felt SUPER heavy by the time I got to the last half mile. I continued to walk with my husband and newborn after my jog. Which made the total jog/walk 28 mins.
Tuesdays are a little more hectic... probably the most hectic of the week. Work, pick-up my girls, drop them off, school til 7 and then attended a meeting at church for my 9 year old who will be getting her sacraments this year. After all that chaos we had to stop by the store before heading home to buy some karo syrup for my newborn (she had been constipated and fussy because of it). Finally, got home to get girls ready for bed and then did some school work...straightened up the house then was too sleepy to do a workout :( In my defense I still have a newborn who does not sleep through the night.
Wednesdays workout made me feel good! After a long day of work and yet another family night (this one with my Dad's side of the family) we got home and I was able to relax and watch Modern Family, then got to workout. KICKBOXING CARDIO: I really enjoyed this workout. This can be added to the list of workouts that I get from Sportskool on Demand. This cardio based kickboxing kept me moving throughout the workout and provided a fun workout. It gets your legs and core working and boy do you feel it. So far... my favorite workout by far!
Thursday I decided to try another kickboxing workout from sportskool on demand. This one titled Kickboxing combat. This workout required a weighted bar... I used a broom stick. It was an interesting workout, not much cardio but focused on shoulders, a little bit on legs and core.
Now here we are... Friday. Work and soccer practice
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